Monday, 3 November 2014

Water Towers of New York

Water Tower With Orange Sunset

This is part of a series of water tower photos that I will be putting up - keep checking back if you're a fan of the disappearing water towers of New York City! A photo from our modern day, yet with a bit of a Mid-Century Modern, retro look and feel.

Water Tower - Orange And Green

This is an orange and green version of the iconic water tower. It's part of a series of water tower photos that I will be putting up - keep checking back if you're a fan of the disappearing water towers of New York City! A photo from our modern day, yet with a Mid-Century Modern retro look and feel.

Please Click On The Picture Links Below For More Information

Water Tower - Orange

This is an orange, black and purple version of the iconic water tower. It's part of a series of water tower photos that I am putting up - keep checking back if you're a fan of the disappearing water towers of New York City!

Watertower Cool - Watertowers Of New York City

This ancient watertower is right at home on top of the old brick buildings of the East Side of Manhattan, though you can find them almost anywhere you look. However, they are a disappearing phenomenon in New York City, so be sure to look carefully. Having grown up in this city, I love to see them.

Water Towers of New York - Gallery

This gallery is dedicated to everyone who loves the disappearing iconic water tower once seen everywhere in the skyline of New York City, and now, not as much as in the past.

Miriam Danar on Facebook

Please remember to consider following Miriam's Facebook page, Miriam is a great photographer who documents the streets of New York that also includes styles of digital manipulation that I personally have never seen before.

Photographers often buy photography magazines to check on the latest trends and developments, those tends and developments can be seen right here in the 50 or so linked Artwork Blogs and also within the different Blogs and Web pages of people who are members here.

Miriam has a natural eye for composition, her work is always beautifully composed and some of her digital work is stunning. The next time you are thinking of buying a photography magazine put your money back in your pocket and study some of Miriam's work instead. Get to know her, she is very easy to get on with and obviously also likes to write so communication will not be a problem and one day, I pray, she will be regarded as great by many people.